Christianity and psychedelics are an interesting pair. After all, while psychedelic-based therapies are beneficial for those with depression and anxiety, spirituality and mysticality are certainly involved in the whole process. We don’t call psychedelic mushrooms “magic mushrooms” for nothing. So, what are the Christian views on psychedelics? Can you take them, or is it against your religion? Let’s find it out!
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Key Takeaways
- Initially, Christianity opposed psychedelics (and other drugs).
- Nowadays, there are arguments for the use of psychedelics (for therapy). The Church is slowly changing its approach; however, its final stance on the topic has yet to be defined.
- Should you use psychedelics as a Christian? You need to answer this question yourself. It’s crucial that you stay true to yourself and analyze all the arguments presented in this article.
Christianity and Psychedelics: Traditional Views
Traditionally, the Christian Church strongly opposed psychedelics and other drugs. After all, this approach was rooted in interpretations of the Bible. There are many references in the Holy Book underlining the need for sobriety and caring for one’s body, such as:
“The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
Galatians 5:19-21
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
1 Peter 5:8
There is yet another verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, which says, “Let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober.” Possibly the most direct verse, Ephesians 5:18, states “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery.” However, it is important to know that in cases when the English Bible uses the word “sober” or “sober-minded,” the meaning is more nuanced than simply committing to abstinence from substances. In one review by a Christian and Bible study leader, Desert Rose Gleniece, she breaks down the topic more thoroughly. She accounts that there are variations in meaning according to the original languages used (whether Hebrew, Greek, or Latin), whereas our English version replaces all of these words and phrases with our simple word “sober.” Some of the meanings noted include:
- “Sound of mind: safe, stable, self-controlled”
- “Vigilant: staying watchful and alert to danger or trouble; cautious and careful before acting, judging, or deciding”
- “Wise: having or showing good [that which is morally true] judgment”
- “Discreet: careful about what one says or does; moderate [emotionally, neither hot nor cold]”
Most importantly to note is that the Bible’s stance centers around our behaviors and mindset, signaling that we should embody the values of control, intentionality, and awareness. While some, if not most, substances are known to lower our inhibitions, especially in the case of alcohol which is specifically mentioned in Ephesians 5:18, the Bible doesn’t explicitly prohibit the use of substances, but rather encourages a state of awareness and conscientiousness. In the case of psychedelics like psilocybin and other substances, it is possible that the traits listed above are actually increased with intake. In fact, some research suggests that psychedelic mushrooms increase self-awareness, emotional regulation, and empathy (Olami & Peled-Avron, 2024). Recently, the Church has started to change its approach. More and more Christians are opening to nuance and subjective interpretation regarding psychedelics. Hence, the Church and official stances have changed. Though this is a shift underway, you might find varying opinions even among priests.
How Does Christianity Justify Taking Psychedelics Nowadays?
Currently, there are five main arguments for taking psychedelics that put the Church’s initial stance into consideration. What are they? Take a look below.
Psychedelics Come from Natural Sources
The first argument is quite simple in its principle. Since psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, are natural (they come from plants, mushrooms, and so on), they are a gift from God. According to this argument, since they are an organic part of nature created by God, you can harvest their beneficial properties. After all, many people claim to find God with psychedelics, like magic mushrooms or banisteriopsis caapi vine (usually in the form of the Ayahuasca brew), which the Creator must have intended.
Traditional Healing Methods Do Not Suffice
Many Christians have tried traditional healing methods and therapies, which didn’t work. Thus, they turned to psychedelics, knowing about the science of mushroom potency—the fact that mushrooms and other psychedelics can work where conventional means failed. According to this argument, the result justifies the means. After all, as we stated previously, the Bible tells you to take care of your body and mind, and starting psychedelic therapy is a way to do that.
It’s the Intent That Matters
Thirdly, psychedelics don’t always have to be bad for a Christian from a religious point of view. What matters is how you approach this topic, your mindset, and your intent. In principle, this means that:
- If you use psychedelics for healing, your intent is to care for your mind, so it should not be forbidden.
- You should not use psychedelics for recreation, since the entertainment value and lack of intent may contradict the values of self-control and alertness mentioned on multiple occasions in the Bible
Biblical Ambiguity
Many substances, including popular psychedelics, were likely unknown during the time when the Bible was written. As a result, they are not directly mentioned (or forbidden), making their use susceptible to interpretation. This is why some Christians believe that the Church should allow using psychedelics, as they are not clearly forbidden in the Holy Writ.
Precedents of Divine Encounters
Finally, some Christians claim to experience profound spiritual awakenings through psychedelics. Since such stories are plentiful and backed by modern research which has analyzed common effects of psychedelics (Schutt et al., 2024, this justification expands the boundaries of spiritual practice according to more traditional Christian values. Therefore, it’s uncertain whether the Church will officially reject this narrative or incorporate it as possible. . At the same time, many biblical spiritual phenomena share a plethora of traits with psychedelic trips. This led to the theory that many Biblical stories and historical accounts of spiritual or miraculous phenomena were a direct result of psychedelic substance intake by the authors or at the very least were correlated to the same neural phenomena, potentially triggered by other practices such as fasting, meditation, solitude, or others which impact serotonergic activity in the brain. .
The Bottom Line
In the past, the Church had a strong stance on psychedelics: they were forbidden. Nowadays, there are many arguments for their use, so Christianity is slowly moving away from its previous approach. But whether you should or shouldn’t take psychedelics as a Christian depends solely on you and your unique beliefs, interpretations, and approach to life. After all, we will need more time for the Church to clarify its new approach. You might also read: Psychedelics at The Intersection of Science & Spirituality
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