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Psychedelic Mushroom Therapy in Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati doesn’t have to be a psychedelic hub to find people there who have a vested interest in them. Neşe Devenot is a researcher at the University of Cincinnati who has devoted her career to studying all things psychedelics, with careful attention to ethics.

Like many psychedelic researcher’s origin stories, she began her career after having an extremely transformative personal experience with a psychedelic. In her case it was LSD ridding her of her OCD and anxiety. She was a college freshman at the time of her experience and her school had a zero-tolerance illegal drug policy that got her into a lot of trouble. 

Now, 16 years later she actually got invited back to that school for a writing fellowship to explore the literary history of psychedelic science. This swift 180 in under two decades shows how much progress psychedelic research has made in a short time. 

So while it may feel like you are alone in your journey to find psychedelic mushroom therapy in your area, we are here to show you that there are people joining the fight all over the country, and probably closer than you think!

In a previous article on psilocybin and psychedelic-assisted therapy in Ohio, we discussed the current psychedelic legislation and legality in the state. Now we zoom in on Cincinnati to explore safe, legal psychedelic experiences near you.

You probably have more questions, and we are here to make finding answers easy. How does psychedelic-assisted therapy differ from traditional talk therapy? 

How important is set and setting to a psychedelic experience? Maybe you already know that you’re ready for an experience, so where can you find one? Let’s dig in and find out!

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy vs. Traditional Talk Therapy

When you think of the word “therapy”, it likely comes with some cultural connotations of what it has looked like in the past. The Western concepts of talk therapy have dominated our understanding of getting help, but it couldn’t be more different from psychedelic-assisted therapy. 

While the mechanisms are still being researched and understood, we have a good idea of how psychedelics work in the brain. Ingesting a psychedelic produces powerful altered states of consciousness that expand our thinking from our everyday patterns.

Alterations in our consciousness can cause insight and revelations that are difficult to reach in our ordinary patterns of thinking. They can also be the catalyst that allows us to confront trauma and explore the themes that arise.

It is the interaction between the psychedelic substance itself and our brain chemistry that brings our consciousness to a healing space. It is no wonder then, why talk therapy has failed to meet our therapeutic needs as a society. 

There are a few key distinctions to make. Firstly, a psychedelic therapist is a licensed therapist who is trained in facilitating psychedelic experiences. Unfortunately they are still uncommon due to the legal restrictions in Ohio and federally. 

A licensed therapist may agree to offer support to your psychedelic journey, but is not allowed to be present for your journey. This means they would assist you in preparing for your experience, and integrating what you learned into your life afterwards. 

This may work for some, while others may have a lot more emotional baggage to unpack and would feel better having someone present for their experience. The most supported option is having a psychedelic guide or facilitator present to fill this gap.

There is no difference between a “facilitator” and a “guide”, and either can be used interchangeably or by preference. Contrary to popular belief, a “guide” should never control your experience in any way.

The biggest reason for having a qualified psychedelic facilitator present is for their experience. They will know what to do if x, y or z happens and have a comprehensive understanding of transformative experiences.

The most important difference here is that a psychedelic therapist has mental health licensure, while a facilitator or guide is qualified through years of personal experience with psychedelic use and facilitation. 

Talking during a psychedelic journey is completely left up to the journeyer. Since the journey is completely subjective and internal, some will experience it in silence. Others find it helpful to describe or talk through what they are seeing or feeling.

The Role of Set and Setting in Psychedelic Therapy

“Set and setting in chemical use is critical. The set of your mind and setting in which you do your work determines the nature of the experience”, said Ram Dass. The journey itself may be where all the heavy lifting happens, but there are many things you can do prior and post-trip that build upon that experience to make it the safest and most effective

Set refers to your subjective experience, which is dependent on your state of mind. If you do not have a healing mindset or are dealing with a particularly distressing situation, you should refrain from a psychedelic experience until you have a clear mind.

One way to mitigate a bad experience is to do proper preparation. Part of that may be clearing your burdened mind by setting concrete intentions for your trip, and having safeguards in place such as being familiar with harm reduction materials. 

Setting refers to the environment around you, including the people present. Not only is having a comfortable space important, but having an experienced psychedelic facilitator there will ensure your only responsibility is focusing on your healing. 

It is quite popular to ask if someone close to you should be present for your psychedelic journey. We recommend against it for a few reasons. One is that a psychedelic journey can bring up unrealized trauma or emotional release that causes you to have a strong reaction. 

A loved one may worry or intervene to make you feel better, while a psychedelic guide understands the difference between an uncomfortable but necessary moment, and an unsafe moment.

Another is that the best transformative psychedelic experience is centered around your relationship with yourself, and having a loved one present may gear the experience towards your relationship with them instead. 

If you look back on the history of healing with psychedelics, you will find that so much more goes into the experience than just the substance. Ancient civilizations everywhere have their own traditions and rituals that are part of the healing journey.

Where To Find Legal Psychedelic Experiences in Cincinnati 2023

Right now, there are two options for those who want to embark on a therapeutic psychedelic journey: ketamine clinics and guided psychedelic journeys with Psychedelic Passage.

1. Ketamine Clinics

Ketamine has been used as an anesthetic for hundreds of years, and has been extensively studied. At high doses it has psychedelic effects, and it being legal made it much easier than traditional psychedelics to get it FDA-approved for therapeutic use.

It has proven success with issues that have a history of being treatment-resistant through its dissociative effects. It stunts your body’s typical reaction to stressful stimuli, and allows you to observe and ponder your feelings from a third-person view. 

This can allow for tremendous understanding about yourself, but it is important to note that it is not a traditional psychedelic, and almost 50 percent of clients who seek out Psychedelic Passage do so due to short-lasting benefits or failed ketamine therapy. 

The biggest reason for varied effects of ketamine is the unregulated therapeutic support offered by ketamine clinics. Some clinics may not offer any support at all, which is why it is important to do your due diligence when seeking out a ketamine clinic.

2. Guided Psychedelic Journeys with Psychedelic Passage

At Psychedelic Passage, we have hand-curated a pre-vetted network of psychedelic facilitators whose priority is to hold a safe and conscious space for your experience, in the comfort of your own home. 

Our 5 week program includes preparation and integration support as well as in-person ceremonial support. We have designed it to be fully tailored to your individual needs, which includes a health screening. 

Not only do you have complete control over choosing the right substance, but you have the ability to choose a qualified psychedelic facilitator that you feel comfortable with. We’ve compiled a detailed list of what to look for in a psychedelic therapist, so you know when you’ve found the right one.

Ultimately, you are your own healer. We are only here to help you recognize your own power and give you all the tools necessary to have a transformative experience. 

Find Your Next Psychedelic Journey in Any Major Cincinnati Area 

  • Fernbank
  • Sayler Park
  • Riverside
  • Sedamsville
  • West Price Hill
  • Westwood
  • Fox Acres
  • Elmwood Place
  • Saint Bernard
  • Norwood
  • Madisonville
  • Mount Washington

Closing Notes

After reading this article, we hope you feel empowered and more knowledgeable than when you started. We know how intimidating navigating this space can be and if you are interested in embarking on a therapeutic psychedelic journey, we empower you to book a consultation with us.

If your thirst for knowledge is not yet quenched, visit our resources page, a place dedicated to spreading psychedelic education, awareness, and accessibility as far as we can. As always, stay safe, be mindful and radiate love!

Looking for a professionally supported in-person psychedelic experience?

Take the first step and book a consultation call with us today. We'll walk you through every step of the process after getting to know you and your unique situation.

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At Psychedelic Passage, we offer professional 1-on-1 guidance and companionship on your journey of healing. We simply can't sit back and let Americans continue to sit in silent suffering trying to battle mental health issues within a broken health care system, all while knowing that effective alternatives exist. We stand for the sacred, at-home, ceremonial use of psychedelics for consciousness exploration, which we believe to be a fundamental human right.


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