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Psychedelic Mushroom Therapy in Columbus, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio exudes a vibrant energy thanks to its enormous college campus and growing arts and technology scenes. From the annual Columbus Arts Festival to nightly performances of all kinds, it’s a city that appreciates human expression. 

Even with Ohio’s strict substance laws, a new Center for Psychedelic Drug Research and Education has been approved at the State College for Social Work. Though research doesn’t equal legality and while psychedelics are still controlled substances, it certainly paves the way for a hopeful future. 

While it’ll take a long time to decriminalize or legalize psychedelics on a state level, pressure for change at the federal level could positively affect Ohio laws surrounding therapeutic use of psilocybin and MDMA. For now, there are limited options for residents of Columbus, Ohio. Nonetheless, help is closer than you think. 

Previously, we’ve discussed the current policy reform efforts for psilocybin and psychedelic-assisted therapy in Ohio. Today, we’re turning our sights to the state’s capital, Columbus. How can city locals find legal, therapeutic psychedelic experiences near them, right now?

The Difference Between a Psychedelic Therapist, Guide, & Facilitator

In the past, we’ve explored and defined the gold-standard of qualities in a psychedelic therapist. Here we’ll review some of the key points to keep in mind. First, let’s define the role of a psychedelic therapist and compare it to the services of psychedelic facilitators and guides. 

A psychedelic therapist is a licensed therapist who facilitates psychedelic experiences. Unfortunately, Ohio hasn’t yet decriminalized psychedelics, so it would be challenging to find a licensed therapist willing to take the legal risk of facilitating your journey. 

Even if a licensed therapist agreed to offer you psychedelic support, they are not legally allowed to be present during your psychedelic experience and could only offer pre- and post-trip support. Luckily, psychedelic facilitators and guides have stepped in to bridge the gap in psychedelic care while we wait for legislation to catch up with our ever-evolving societal needs. 

The terms “facilitator” and “guide” are virtually interchangeable and using one or the other is a matter of preference. The term “guide” can be misleading, as a profession should never direct your experience. 

The important difference to note here is that a psychedelic therapist will always have mental health licensure, while a facilitator or guide’s expertise comes from years of personal psychedelic use and facilitation. 

What Qualifies a Psychedelic Therapist?

Whether you’re dealing with a psychedelic therapist, facilitator, or guide, a qualified professional will assist in preparation, integration, and will be present during your psychedelic experience. 

A qualified psychedelic guide/facilitator will be armed with a plethora of first-hand experience with psychedelics. A qualified guide is an experienced psychedelic journeyer who uses their experiential knowledge to ensure your safety, well-being, and therapeutic success. Would you trust someone to teach you to drive if they’ve never driven themselves?

Your psychedelic guide should have a healing philosophy that aligns with your own. A psychedelic facilitator will have a set of personal beliefs about spiritual growth and personal wholeness. The one that is right for you will have beliefs that foster a connection between you. 

Find the right person for you by engaging in a conversation to better understand their philosophy. Don’t be afraid to ask about their specializations, their level of involvement throughout the process, and even why they chose this line of work.

Qualified psychedelic facilitators recognize that you are your own healer. An experienced guide will never interfere with the intuitive relationship between you and the psychedelic medicine. They understand that attempts to sway the direction will only cause internal resistance within the journeyer. 

They are there to create a safe and open space for you to exist in that moment. This means that a guide should not interfere with the direction of your journey unless you are under severe distress or in physical danger. 

Unlike talk therapy, a psychedelic trip may be entirely internal. Some clients prefer to remain silent, others may process their mental events by verbalizing them. Psychedelic journeys are different for everyone, and your guide will adapt to fit your needs.

In order for a psychedelic guide to be qualified, they should have a good number of ceremonies under their belt. Thus, you should ask potential guides for client testimonials to better understand the quality of their services and their rapport with clients. 

Last but not least, your first meeting with a potential guide is one of the best times to assess if they’re a right fit. You should feel relaxed and empowered in the presence of your guide. How does their energy make you feel? Is it someone you will be able to be vulnerable with? 

It’s important to connect with a psychedelic professional that facilitates your comfort in expressing vulnerability. When vetting a potential guide, don’t ignore doubts or “bad vibes”. There is nothing wrong with being incompatible with someone. There also doesn’t have to be anything explicitly wrong with a guide to warrant exploring other options. 

Is it Really Necessary to Hire a Psychedelic Guide?

A pillar of psychedelic therapy is that you are the catalyst for your personal growth, so it’s not absolutely necessary to hire a psychedelic guide in order to have a therapeutic psychedelic experience

Your first thought may be to have a close friend or family member tripsit you. You have a trusting relationship with them and you feel they have intentions at heart. Even with that being true, the presence of someone close to you does affect your trip. 

Many people find it hard to shed the identity they hold in relation to a loved one in order to completely surrender to the experience. The journey should be centered around your relationship with yourself, but in the presence of a loved one it may instead get directed towards your relationship with them.

Thus, it’s typically not recommended to have a friend facilitate your experience, especially if you’re a first time journeyer or if you’re aiming to address important intentions. Many people choose to embark on psychedelic experience to address issues surrounding depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This is where the utility of a trained professional really comes into play. 

They will know the difference between an uncomfortable but necessary moment and an unsafe moment during your journey. A psychedelic guide understands the depth of these emotional states. They’re experienced in safety protocols, and have the tools to help you prepare and integrate your psychedelic journey into your everyday life. 

So, while it is not necessary to have a psychedelic guide present for your journey, it is the safest, most supported option. This is especially true regarding trips that involve significant intentions. 

Where to Find Legal Psychedelic Experiences Near Columbus 2023

Right now, there are two options for those who want to embark on a therapeutic psychedelic journey: ketamine clinics and guided psychedelic journeys with Psychedelic Passage. 

1. Ketamine Clinics

Ketamine is not a traditional psychedelic but does have properties that can offer healing effects. Its original use in the ‘60s was as an anesthetic drug in hospital operating rooms. Recently, the FDA approved ketamine for “off-label” use as a therapeutic drug. 

Many people have found relief from treatment-resistant depression with ketamine-infusion therapy, but it is important to note that nearly 50 percent of clients approach Psychedelic Passage due to failed ketamine therapy or short-lasting benefits. 

That is not to say that ketamine is ineffective. Dissociatives cause out-of-body experiences that can be beneficial for viewing ourselves from a more objective and empathetic perspective. 

The transient effects of ketamine are due to the varied levels of therapeutic support offered in ketamine clinics. If you’re seeking to find a ketamine clinic, make sure you receive adequate preparation and integration support.

2. Guided Psychedelic Journeys with Psychedelic Passage

Here at Psychedelic Passage, we’ve built a pre-vetted network of psychedelic facilitators who’s top priority is to hold a completely safe and conscious space for your journey, from the comfort of your own home.

Our 5 week program includes preparation, integration and in-person ceremonial support. It’s designed to be fully tailored to your needs and intentions. Because we don’t source psychedelics for you, you have complete control over the psychedelic medicine you choose, as you should in all psychedelic healing settings. 

Our facilitators will conduct a health screening to make sure this is a safe and healthy option for you. They’ll guide you through preparation procedures, sit with you through your psychedelic experience, and assist in the integration of your new-found knowledge.

A big part of our mission is ensuring equal access which is why we have income-based pricing as well as a BIPOC and low-income fund. We believe everyone should have access to these powerful, life-changing, ancient medicines

Find Your Next Psychedelic Journey in Any Major Columbus Area

  • Glen Echo
  • Northwood Park
  • Fifth Avenue and North High Historic District
  • Thurber Village
  • Scioto Peninsula
  • Schumacher Place
  • Steelton
  • Vassor Village
  • Edgewood Acres
  • Bannon

Explore How it Feels to be Connected

We believe that our society has a deep need for healing with a history of poor access to effective healing models. As psychedelic medicine moves towards legality, we’re here to aid you in navigating this space and healing process for you. If you’re interested in embarking on a therapeutic psychedelic journey, we encourage you to book a consultation with us. 

As we move through the second psychedelic revolution in the United States, destigmatizing therapeutic use of these substances involves widespread access to educational resources. Thus, if you’d like to learn more about all-things-psychedelic, check out our resources page for more information. As always, stay safe, be mindful and radiate love.

Looking for a professionally supported in-person psychedelic experience?

Take the first step and book a consultation call with us today. We'll walk you through every step of the process after getting to know you and your unique situation.

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At Psychedelic Passage, we offer professional 1-on-1 guidance and companionship on your journey of healing. We simply can't sit back and let Americans continue to sit in silent suffering trying to battle mental health issues within a broken health care system, all while knowing that effective alternatives exist. We stand for the sacred, at-home, ceremonial use of psychedelics for consciousness exploration, which we believe to be a fundamental human right.


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