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Psychedelic Mushroom Therapy in San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio is a major city in the southwest of Texas. Sitting approximately 75 miles to the southwest of its neighboring city, Austin, San Antonia is driving Texans to take a second look at psychedelics. 

Despite not being a common benchmark on tourist lists, San Antonio sees well over 20 million visitors annually. The city has a long and rich history, with deep indigenous roots that commemorate it as the northernmost home to peyote’s natural growth.

This article aims to provide you with all the information you need to have your own psychedelic experience in Texas. Not only will we touch on the city’s history and psychedelic legislation, but we’ll also equip you on how to make informed decisions when seeking professional psychedelic support. 

The History of Psychedelics in San Antonio, Texas

The history of psychedelics goes way back, predating both the settling of Mexico and the United States. From the Chihuahuan desert to the South Texas Plains, peyote’s home range has played an essential role for indigenous tribes throughout the southwestern United States.

A discovery in the 1930s made in the Shumla Cave, in the Lower Pecos region of southwestern Texas, found evidence of wild-growing peyote, fortifying a strong example of peyote’s historical use. 

Multiple papers have described the discovery, stating “Two of the Shumla Cave specimens have been analyzed, indicating a 2% concentration of mescaline, the psychoactive alkaloid in peyote.” (Bruhn et al. 2002). 

A different paper on the same discovery further described the radiocarbon dating of these findings to between “4045-3960 B.C” (El Seedi et al. 2005), showing just how ancient this tradition is amongst indigenous peoples.

Extensive stands of peyote occur on the low, rocky hills in Starr, Zapata, Webb, and Jim Hogg counties of southern Texas, some of which are just a stone’s throw from the city of San Antonio. Unfortunately, due to a mix of improper harvesting and human encroachment, the range of peyote has been receding. 

For thousands of years, Native Americans throughout the southwest and northern Mexico have been ingesting peyote for spiritual purposes. Their intention when using this plant medicine was to achieve heightened awareness, especially of one’s surroundings and emotions, allowing for spiritual and physical healing.

Between the 1880s and 1930s, the US government attempted to ban peyote, but with the establishment of the Native American Church, this did not happen. Federal law now permits peyote use among members of the NAC and to non-Native Americans in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada. 

Although there is no active branch in Texas, southern Texas was the traditional harvesting grounds until the US government allowed the NAC to begin cultivation of peyote for ceremonial use.

The Current Legal Status of Psychedelics in San Antonio

When they say ‘everything is bigger’ in Texas, this also sadly applies to penalties for the possession of psychedelics. Like all of Texas, there are harsh penalties for all controlled substances.

Despite the recent passage of HB 1802 by Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas), which authorizes the study of psilocybin and MDMA, there still remain stringent laws regarding the possession and use of psychedelics.

Despite this, Texas has recently made moves to reduce the penalties surrounding certain psychedelics. As you may know, in the eyes of the federal government, all psychedelics are Schedule 1, and Texas has backed that trend, implementing its own regulations.

Currently, mushrooms and various other hallucinogens are marked under penalty group 2-A, meaning psychedelic offenses are considered of less priority than Schedule 1. The Texas State Board of Pharmacy has moved these substances to Schedule 2, showing that they “have safe and accepted medical uses in the United States”, giving credit to their therapeutic use.

Psychedelic drugs that are currently listed under Texan Schedule 2 classification include dimethyltryptamine (DMT), ibogaine, psilocybin, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), and mescaline. Not only does this open up the opportunity for scientific study, but it reduces the penalties for possession.

If convicted of possession, you may face a fine of up to $50,000 with the potential for a jail term. Although this is better than ever before, if you are found with one gram of psilocybin (less than a dose of mushrooms), you could still be looking at up to two years of imprisonment. 

Although this looks pretty stringent, there is hope on the horizon, and things are changing rapidly. Currently, The University of Texas has been able to launch the Center for Psychedelic Research and Therapy. According to the university, the center’s research will focus on veterans with PTSD, adults with prolonged grief disorder, depression, and those who have experienced childhood trauma. 

Where To Find Legal Psychedelic Experiences in San Antonio 2023

Although there are strict laws surrounding psychedelics in all of Texas, a few options are still available for engaging with psychedelic medicine: Ketamine clinics, guided psychedelic journeys with Psychedelic Passage, or getting approval to be treated under HB 1802 in a clinical trial.

1. Ketamine Clinics

Currently, ketamine clinics are one of Texas’ only options for working with psychedelic-like drugs. Ketamine has a long track record of use in our medical system. Although ketamine started its life as a dissociative anesthetic and was primarily used during procedures for twilight anesthesia, it has since proven to be effective in treating PTSD, depression, and chronic pain.

The main benefit of ketamine therapy is that it temporarily allows clients to create distance from their issues. This separation allows for a more objective view of their lives and current issues, often leading to a more profound sense of self-empathy. Due to the common lack of integration practices in ketamine clinics, the benefits are often short-lived. 

Many who undergo ketamine treatment will end up seeking other psychedelic therapy. In fact, 50% of our clients had this experience and found us in the process. To learn more, check out our article on the benefits and pitfalls of ketamine therapy and what to consider when searching for ketamine clinics in your area.

2. Guided Psychedelic Experiences with Psychedelic Passage

At Psychedelic Passage, we understand the vulnerable and intimate process that allows psychedelics to facilitate self-actualization and help kick-start the healing processes. With us, you’re placed directly in the driver’s seat, and you set the pace and direction of your journey. 

Our 5-week program is customized to each client and designed to fit your needs. Not only do we work with psychedelic mushrooms, but facilitators will also allow you to choose from a wide range of psychedelics

Working with Psychedelic Passage will give you access to our network of pre-vetted and experienced psychedelic facilitators. We do everything we can to ensure that you are matched with a guide that perfectly fits your needs and intentions

Wherever you are in San Antonio Texas, our network of facilitators is ready and open to service your healing journey, right from the comfort of your own home. From preparation to integration, you can trust you’re in the right hands. 

3. Clinical Trials at the University of Texas

Although this is not an option for everyone and it’s currently reserved mainly for veterans who struggle with PTSD, prolonged grief disorder, or depression, it may be helpful to reach out and contact the University of Texas Center for Psychedelic Research and Therapy. You can contact them directly from the University’s website and see current clinical trials and learn about openings they have. 

Most trials are still in stage one, meaning only a few participants will be included. Not only is this likely to help participants, but your involvement will also go a long way in proving the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics and allowing new information to be brought to the general public.

Find Your Next Psychedelic Journey in Any Major San Antonio Area

  • Shavano Park
  • Castle Hills
  • Lackland Air Force Base
  • Alamo Heights
  • Windcrest
  • Terrell Hills
  • Garden Ridge

Explore How it Feels to be Connected

Psychedelics hold a tremendous power to promote healing and growth, and it looks like the University of Texas has begun gathering data to facilitate the mainstream, therapeutic use of psychedelics. Until that time, let us, at Psychedelic Passage, help guide the way.

If you’re interested in doing “the work” in psychedelic therapy, we empower you to book a consultation with our qualified psychedelic concierges. They will help you get connected with our network of experienced psychedelic guides in your area.

If you’d like to know what others have had to say after working with us, we invite you to check out our testimonials page. This’ll give you a better feel for how psychedelics have and can be used to create change within an intentional and supported ceremonial container.

If you still have questions or want to learn more, head to our resources page to explore all things- psychedelic therapy. Have fun, enjoy the journey of self-discovery, and stay safe!

Looking for a professionally supported in-person psychedelic experience?

Take the first step and book a consultation call with us today. We'll walk you through every step of the process after getting to know you and your unique situation.

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At Psychedelic Passage, we offer professional 1-on-1 guidance and companionship on your journey of healing. We simply can't sit back and let Americans continue to sit in silent suffering trying to battle mental health issues within a broken health care system, all while knowing that effective alternatives exist. We stand for the sacred, at-home, ceremonial use of psychedelics for consciousness exploration, which we believe to be a fundamental human right.


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