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Find Licensed Psilocybin Therapy Service Centers in Oregon

Find Licensed Psilocybin Therapy Service Centers in Oregon

A growing body of research has illuminated the potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy as a breakthrough in mental health treatment. Individuals are seeking alternatives to conventional approaches, recognizing the limitations of traditional pharmaceutical interventions.

While humans have known about these benefits throughout history, one psychedelic—psilocybin, the psychoactive compound found in psychedelic mushrooms—has garnered extra attention in recent history by people looking for powerful treatments for conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Oregon has paved the way for this alternative yet effective treatment method with its new laws and frameworks for state-run psilocybin therapy. Oregon’s Measure 109 (and 110) have exemplified a powerful shift in cultural stigma and collective understanding of these powerful substances. 

This article covers everything you need to know about finding psilocybin therapy services in Oregon. The real focus? Helping you know your options, get informed about these big legal changes, and know what to expect when it comes to state-run facilities and facilitators. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • While the Oregon Health Authority does now have a regulatory framework for psychedelic facilitation, the standards are incredibly low. This article breaks down our higher standards in comparison to the OHA.
  • Because of the low requirements, licensure of service centers and facilitation isn’t necessarily an indication of qualification or quality. This can be misleading for journeyers.
  • Be sure to thoroughly assess your needs, desires, and expectations when it comes to choosing your service providers. Relying on licensure can set you up for disappointment.  
  • Psychedelic Passage: Your Psychedelic Concierge — The easy, legal way to find trustworthy psilocybin guides, facilitators and psychedelic-assisted therapy near you in the United States.

    The Legality of Psilocybin & Psychedelic Therapy in Oregon

    Oregon’s evolving legal landscape was marked by two pivotal measures. Measure 109–the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act—was passed in November 2020 and set the stage for the regulated medical use of psilocybin.

    Now, as we are quickly approaching the new year, the summer of 2023 marked a crucial time as the country’s first psilocybin service centers opened for operation under the new laws passed in the state. 

    These licensed service centers house psilocybin-assisted therapy conducted under professional, licensed supervision. These licensed facilitators are the only people in the nation (besides in Colorado) who are legally allowed to possess and administer psilocybin.

    This groundbreaking measure positions Oregon at the forefront of progressive mental health care, acknowledging the potential of psychedelic substances for addressing mental health conditions.

    Measure 110, on the other hand, represents a broader shift in drug policy by decreasing penalty severities. Approved by voters in the same election, it reimagines the approach to drug addiction by decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of certain drugs, including psilocybin.

    This innovative approach prioritizes harm reduction and therapeutic interventions over punitive measures, fostering an environment conducive to exploring alternative treatments. As individuals navigate this evolving landscape, the quest for licensed service centers becomes paramount.

    While Oregon does now have this regulatory framework, it’s important to know all your options as the journeyer, and know what’s available to you when it comes to location, psychedelic facilitators, and access to legal psychedelics. 

    The Cost of Psilocybin Therapy in Oregon

    When it comes to service centers and psychedelic facilitation in Oregon, prices widely range, and the cost is really broken down into three components: the psilocybin itself, the service center room, and the facilitator fee. 

    While assessing some of the most well-known service centers on the market, we found companies averaging out at lower cost, ranging anywhere from $800 to $2,800. However, accommodations are not always ideal. 

    This lower price point may only get you access to a small journey room and no access to the outdoors besides a window. Thus, a quality and beautiful setting is compromised for the sake of affordability.

    The first service center to open in Oregon, Epic Healing Eugene, offers arguably more appealing accommodations when it comes to setting, but currently has over 5,000 people on their waitlist with the capacity to only have 20 sessions per month. 

    While they don’t go in any particular waitlist order, such larger waitlists aren’t ideal for the time-sensitive nature of mental health treatment.

    For more all-inclusive packaging and a scenic location with access to nature, some companies offer beginner rated starting at $10,000.

    It is essential to emphasize that the hurdles faced by service centers or facilitators are not inherent to their operations. The root of the issue lies in the substantial costs linked to personal training and certification, as reports indicate fees reaching up to $12,000.

    Furthermore, service centers contend with obligatory annual fees, such as $10,000, alongside significant expenses for insurance and security that could soar to $60,000.

    The pricing challenges encountered by service centers result from their incapacity to write off fundamental costs like rent and wages, primarily due to the illegal status of psilocybin under federal law.

    The US tax code, specifically 280E, imposes constraints on businesses dealing with Schedule I and Schedule II controlled substances, including psilocybin, stripping them of the tax benefits provided to other businesses. Consequently, service centers find themselves compelled to set prices around 30% higher to offset these limitations.

    For instance, if a service center charges $3,000, approximately $1,000 would be designated to meet federal obligations. It is crucial to grasp that these challenges do not emanate from the service centers themselves but rather from the regulations they must adhere to.

    However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that, if you are going to have a therapeutic psychedelic journey, compromising on things like the quality of the setting and guide can actually render the whole process as less impactful or, worse, contribute to a bad trip

    While there are free, donation-based referral services like the nonprofit, Bendable Therapy, who even offer scholarships to those with financial hardships, for most, you are still going to be on the hook for the high fees.

    So, what’s the solution? Within the current regulatory framework, there really isn’t one at the moment, though we are very hopeful that amendments will be made to OHA standards as the industry continues to progress. Luckily, there are other options available to you which can help you find quick and high quality support. 

    With no waitlists and greater accessibility, freedom, and personal choice, we are not only a more affordable option for our clients but also a better bang for your buck with sliding scale pricing. Check out our ceremonial program page to find more information about our pricing and services. 

    The Accessibility of Psilocybin Therapy in Oregon

    It’s important to note that not all service centers experience prolonged waitlists. While the discussion has focused on the challenges some centers face, it’s crucial to acknowledge that there are instances where service centers efficiently manage their client intake without significant delays.

    Moreover, the existence of waitlists, though perceived as a challenge, can also be viewed as a positive aspect. The demand for psilocybin therapy services indicates a growing interest and recognition of its potential benefits. 

    In this context, having waitlists can be considered a cause for celebration, showcasing the increasing popularity and acceptance of psychedelic therapy.

    However, the extensive waitlists and wait-times for certain service centers can overshadow other factors. If you can’t get into a service center, how can you seek psilocybin therapy?

    Presently, Oregon has 21 licensed psilocybin service centers. However, despite the availability of the Licensee Directory for identifying these therapy centers, access to psilocybin therapy services is significantly hindered by excessively lengthy wait times, with reported waitlists exceeding 5,000 individuals.

    In comparison, we at Psychedelic Passage immediately connect you to an extensive network located all over the country, including in Oregon, with no extensive wait-times or hoops you have to jump through

    Not only do we offer you access to a network of facilitators in your area, but also your personalized experience can take place in the comfort of your own home or location of choice rather than in a clinical facility. This offers greater comfort, accessibility, and customizability for your healing process. 

    Comparing OHA Standards to Psychedelic Passage

    Service centers are not your only option! That is why we wanted to provide a cross comparison of our services with those offered through state-licensed facilitators and facilities. Check out our network and the high standards to which we hold each facilitator that we partner with.

    Facilitator Qualifications

      • The Oregon Health Authority requires that facilitators be at least 21 years old, an Oregon resident with a high school diploma, and complete an Oregon Psilocybin Services training program and pass an exam. The facilitators in our network are also required to be 21, have a college degree, and are vetted by real humans who ensure that each facilitator is highly qualified and reputable. 

      • OHA does not require personal or professional experience with psychedelics for facilitators, which means you could be guided by someone who has never even charted the territory for themself. Psychedelic Passage vets facilitators based on real professional and personal experience with the medicine, and monitors guides to ensure the highest quality and accountability.

      • OHA does not require facilitators to be licensed therapists, and neither do we. And although many of the facilitators in our network have licensure as clinical therapists, our primary concern lies is noting the absence of crucial barriers and qualifications within the OHA program for psychedelic facilitators.

      • OHA does not require that facilitators pass a criminal background check. We do!

    Service Standards

    As the journeyer, if you choose to work with a service center or licensed facilitator, it’s crucial for you to be aware of the real qualifications, reviews, and credibility of both the service center and chosen guide. Be sure not to confuse service center reviews with a guarantee that the guide will be a good fit. 

    Since many different facilitators and guides work through service centers, you really need to do your own vetting process for both the facilitator and facility. With Psychedelic Passage, we knock out the guesswork by having higher vetting standards. You then just have to choose who you like best.

    Each facilitator in our network has a strong reputation with us, and the vetting process is very individualized, human, and thorough. With a state-run licensure program, that same attention to detail gets forgotten.

    We also hold our facilitators to the highest standard of conduct, and we work hard to ensure each client is happy, safe, and in the most ideal scenario for their growth and healing. Licensed facilitators in Oregon may not be held to the same standards.

    Making the Right Choice for Your Therapeutic Psychedelic Journey

    We want to be clear: It is not our intention is not to demonize Oregon’s centers. The reality is that most of the 715 individuals who availed themselves of regulated services last year likely experienced some form of benefit or positive support.

    However, as we begin to observe the consequences of current standards, our responsibility is to educate where awareness is lacking. We sincerely applaud Oregon for pioneering standards in psychedelic therapy, becoming a guiding force for others. 

    But celebrating milestones should not overshadow the need for conversations about areas that need improvement—areas we, ourselves, have addressed and enhanced. Our aspiration is for the entire industry to evolve into an ethically competitive space. 

    We have genuine hopes for improvement in Oregon’s regulatory framework, seeing them as a potential proof-of-concept for broader adoption of psychedelic therapy in the US. 

    We believe this will require open dialogue, constructive critique, and collective efforts to elevate standards. That is why we will persist in educating the public about our services, enabling them to understand the industry’s pitfalls by comparing them to higher standards.

    We encourage you to take your health and wellbeing into your own hands but also are here to offer deep support during such a crucial time. Our top priority is the safety and accessibility to these powerful mental health tools.

    When it comes to our services and our philosophy, our primary goal is to provide access to tools for safe engagement with psychedelic medicines, fostering a more intentional relationship with them. 

    Not only are we located in Oregon and accessible to residents in that state, but our network also is located all over the country and keeps expanding. We hope this article empowered you to make the best decision for yourself and your mental health!

    Connect With a Psychedelic Therapy Provider You Can Actually Trust

    Hi there! We sincerely hope that you’ve found valuable takeaways that resonate with your current intentions. To explore research-based education, stay updated with psychedelic news, and benefit from practical how-to articles, we encourage you to head over to our resources page.

    If you’re seeking personalized advice and are prepared to take the first step toward a therapeutic psychedelic experience, we invite you to book a consultation with our team of experienced psychedelic concierges.

    This consultation is more than just a conversation; it’s an opportunity to be matched with a trustworthy local facilitator. You’ll be seamlessly connected to our rigorously vetted network of psychedelic guides, ensuring potential matches align with your needs.

    Psychedelic Passage offers confidence and peace of mind by alleviating the burden of having to guess who’s right for you. If you want to discover how Psychedelic Passage can help you, we empower you to learn more about our services and check out client testimonials from those who’ve gone before you.

    Your healing path is uniquely yours, and our commitment is to serve you at every juncture. Psychedelic Passage: Your Psychedelic Concierge — The easy, legal way to find trustworthy psilocybin guides, facilitators and psychedelic-assisted therapy near you in the United States.

    Learn More About Our Network

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How much does psilocybin therapy in Oregon cost?

    Costs include facilitator services, service center room fees, and the price of psilocybin. On average, basic accommodations and service packages may cost around $1200 to $1500 but range anywhere from $800 to $10,000.

    2. How long are the wait times for Oregon’s psilocybin service centers?

    Wait times can be significant due to limited space availability. Some centers have a maximum capacity of 20 sessions per month, leading to extended waitlists of 3,000 to 5,000 people.

    3. How much preparation and integration takes place during Oregon’s psychedelic therapy?

    According to the OHA, preparation involves one to two sessions prior to the journey, with integration being optional or offered as a single session. Requirements are relatively low with additional options available at an added expense. 

    4. What dosage will I take at an Oregon psilocybin service center?

    The allowable species for cultivation is limited to P. cubensis, and the maximum dosage is 50mg of psilocybin analyte. Other psychedelic mushroom strains are not permitted for therapeutic use.

    5. How are facilitators selected and regulated in Oregon’s psilocybin therapy model?

    Facilitators are required to meet basic requirements, including being 21 years old, an Oregon resident with a high school diploma, and completing an Oregon Psilocybin Services training program. Personal or professional experience with psychedelics is not required.

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    At Psychedelic Passage, we offer professional 1-on-1 guidance and companionship on your journey of healing. We simply can't sit back and let Americans continue to sit in silent suffering trying to battle mental health issues within a broken health care system, all while knowing that effective alternatives exist. We stand for the sacred, at-home, ceremonial use of psychedelics for consciousness exploration, which we believe to be a fundamental human right.


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