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Trip Sitters & Psychedelic Guides in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, psychedelic guides play an indispensable role in navigating the vast, psychedelic landscape. They guide you safely through impactful journeys into the mind’s deepest corners.

The psychedelic therapy process involves pre-trip preparation, the psychedelic journey itself, and integration afterward. Our approach includes harm reduction, respect for individual sovereignty, and creating a safe space for lasting and meaningful transformation.

Guides act as facilitators to help maintain a conducive environment during the psychedelic experience, set expectations beforehand, and assist in interpreting the experience afterwards. 

Today, we’ll tell you exactly where to find psychedelic therapy in Pennsylvania.

Key Takeaways

  • Pennsylvania does not officially sanction the therapeutic use of substances like psilocybin.
  • Psychedelic guides have undergone professional training or apprenticeship to provide guidance and support during psychedelic exploration.
  • Trip sitters only provide basic emotional support and ensure physical safety during psychedelic sessions.
  • Psychedelic Passage: Your Psychedelic Concierge — The easy, legal way to find trustworthy psilocybin guides, facilitators and psychedelic-assisted therapy near you.

Download Our Free Psilocybin Sourcing Guide

For harm-reduction purposes, we provide links to online psilocybin vendors, local stores, delivery services, and spore vendors for growing your own medicine at home.

What is a Psychedelic Guide and Why are They Important?

A psychedelic guide is an individual trained to assist others during their psychedelic exploration. They offer guidance and support, ensuring your journey is safe and beneficial.

Psychedelic guides are crucial in maximizing the therapeutic benefits of these experiences. You see, these substances can unlock profound insights about yourself and the world around you. However, without proper guidance, you might find it challenging to navigate through this intense exploration.

Consider them as experienced navigators in the unpredictable seas of your subconscious mind. They’ve been through these waters before; they know how to steer clear from potential dangers while harnessing the positive aspects of the journey.

The role of a psychedelic guide isn’t limited to just supervision; they also provide pre-session preparation and post-session integration. This ensures that whatever insights or revelations you gain aren’t lost but rather integrated into your everyday life for lasting change.

The Difference Between a Trip Sitter & a Psychedelic Guide

While they’re both involved in ensuring a safe experience with hallucinogens, there’s a significant difference between someone observing your journey and an individual professionally trained to navigate these mind-altering paths. 

A trip sitter is typically a friend or trusted individual who stays sober while you explore the psychedelic experience. They’re there to provide comfort, reassurance and safety but do not have professional guide training.

On the other hand, a psychedelic guide has undergone specialized guide training and understands how to effectively manage potential psychedelic risks. They possess knowledge about different substances, their effects, dosages, and are well-equipped to handle any emergencies that might arise during your journey.

Consider this comparison for clarity:

Trip Sitter

Psychedelic Guide


Undergone professional guide training or apprenticeship

Provides basic emotional support

Manages potential psychedelic risks efficiently

Ensures physical safety

Navigates psychological aspects of the journey

Legality and State Laws Pertaining to Psychedelic Therapy in Pennsylvania

USA Psychedelic Legality Map

Though psychedelics are currently illegal in the state, Pennsylvania is undergoing a significant shift in its stance on psychedelics, with Philadelphia at the forefront of this movement. Advocates are pushing for the decriminalization, research, and even the potential legalization of substances like psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA.

Philly is home to a passionate community of therapists, scientists, and researchers eager to explore the therapeutic potential of these substances. They recently convened at the University of Pennsylvania for the PhilaDelic Conference, showcasing their commitment to advancing psychedelic studies.

Decriminalize Nature Philadelphia’s founder, Colette Condorcita, is in talks with City Council members to prioritize treatment over prosecution for those using natural psychedelics. This shift reflects a broader cultural change acknowledging the potential of these substances for addressing conditions like depression, PTSD, and addiction.

At the state level, House Bill 1959 promoting psilocybin research faced hurdles but now stands a better chance with a change in the Pennsylvania House’s balance of power. Advocates, like Brett Waters of Reason for Hope, emphasize the urgency of improved mental health treatments.

Psychedelics offer extensive therapeutic possibilities, with the FDA expected to approve MDMA therapy for PTSD. Even traditionally conservative states like Texas, Arizona, Utah, Hawaii, Oklahoma, and Missouri are exploring laws related to psychedelic research and therapy. 

Neighboring New Jersey is reducing penalties for psilocybin possession and considering legislation to legalize its use for mental health and addiction treatment.

Pennsylvania is on the path to establishing a new standard for equitable and effective psychedelic therapy. The evolving perspective on these substances has the potential to redefine mental healthcare in the state, making these treatments accessible to all who stand to benefit from them.

Psychedelic Passage: Your Network of Trusted Psychedelic Guides & Concierges

Choosing the right path for your psychedelic therapy journey can be a daunting task. With a plethora of treatment options and the lack of strict regulations, it’s challenging to determine which approach is best for you. The consequences of making the wrong choice can be detrimental, impacting your well-being and leading to ethical violations.

At Psychedelic Passage, we offer a solution to these challenges in four essential steps:

Step 1: A Consultation Call

Our process begins with a consultation call, where you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your unique situation with a knowledgeable expert in psychedelic services. During this call, you can expect:

  • An in-depth understanding of the psychedelic therapy process.
  • Clarity on the steps to take on your healing journey.
  • Information on sourcing and testing your medicine for purity and potency.
  • Guidance on dosage ranges for both microdosing and ceremonial experiences.
  • Personalized referrals to facilitators that align with your specific needs.

Book a consultation call today to take the next step in your healing journey.

Step 2: Concierge Guidance

After your consultation call, our dedicated concierge team becomes your ally throughout the entire process. They ensure you have the support you need at every step, offering:

  • Ongoing check-ins to address your evolving needs.
  • Rapid responses to your inquiries within one business day.
  • An opportunity to provide feedback on your facilitator’s services.
  • Mediation between you and your chosen facilitators.
  • Unbiased support, as we are an independent body moderating our network of facilitators.

Step 3: Referrals to Pre-Vetted Facilitators

We understand that finding the right facilitator is crucial to your healing journey. Our referral process considers over 20 different variables, including gender, availability, specialty, medication, and travel ability. Based on your unique preferences, we provide personalized referrals to 2-3 facilitators who meet your needs.

All facilitators in our network have dedicated their lives to this work, boasting extensive experience with psychedelics. We employ comprehensive vetting protocols that hold our facilitators to a higher standard than state licensure requirements, ensuring your safety and well-being.

Step 4: Pay Your Facilitator and Begin Your Journey

Once you’ve chosen your facilitator, the final step involves coordinating your healing experience. For ceremonial journeys, you’ll set a date, time, payment details, and location with your facilitator. Microdosing participants will schedule virtual coaching sessions with their chosen guide.

Our programs are designed to strike a balance between scientific and spiritual approaches, ensuring a holistic healing experience. Payments are made directly to your facilitator, ensuring a personalized, sacred, and non-clinical treatment.

Our Pricing

With Psychedelic Passage, you’ll have a trusted ally throughout your healing journey, from initial consultation to your transformative ceremony or microdosing program. Book your consultation call for $49, and let us guide you towards a brighter and more profound path to well-being.

Our Facilitator Network Serves Every Major City

Don’t see your city on this list? That’s okay! Facilitators in our network are able to travel to you, wherever you are in the country.

Substances Our Network Sits With

The one caveat to our network’s services is that facilitators cannot provide your substance of choice for personal consumption (except in Colorado). If sourcing is a concern, we encourage you to book a consultation with our concierges, who will guide you in exploring safe sourcing options.

Please understand that psychedelics are still federally controlled substances and you assume all the risks associated with possessing and consuming these medicines.

Download Our Free Psilocybin Sourcing Guide

For harm-reduction purposes, we provide links to online psilocybin vendors, local stores, delivery services, and spore vendors for growing your own medicine at home.

Our network of guides can facilitate experiences with the following substances:

To learn more about your options and explore next steps, speak with our psychedelic concierges. These are qualified professionals who are equipped to answer your questions about every step in the process. 

What Qualifies a Psychedelic Guide in Our Referral Network?

When embarking on an exploration of the potential offered by psychedelics, it is crucial to be under the guidance of a professional who fully meets the qualifications established within our referral network. This requirement extends beyond just ensuring your safety; it is also aimed at assuring a profound and therapeutic journey.

The qualifications for psychedelic guides in our network are thorough and closely aligned with the ethical standards of psychedelic therapy:

  • Successful completion of a comprehensive facilitator training program, which includes education in harm reduction techniques or participation in a meaningful apprenticeship.
  • Personal familiarity with psychedelic experiences.
  • Strict adherence to Network Standards, which prioritize professionalism and the utmost protection of client confidentiality.
  • A minimum of 2+ years of hands-on experience, overseeing a minimum of 40 ceremonies.
  • A dedicated commitment to their personal healing journey.
  • Satisfactory completion of interviews to evaluate for potential psychological concerns.
  • Submission of two letters of endorsement from professional associates.

These prerequisites ensure that the guide you choose not only possesses knowledge about psychedelics but also has the capability to provide the essential support throughout your journey.

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Explore Resources for Solo Psychedelic Journeys

At Psychedelic Passage, we recognize that not everyone is ready to embark on a psychedelic journey with the guidance of a professional facilitator. Some individuals may prefer to explore these experiences independently. 

In response to this, we’ve expanded our offerings to include a Psychedelic Resources Store, where you can find valuable resources to enhance your personal psychedelic experiences. 

Our store provides access to tools and knowledge that empower you to have safe and meaningful solo psychedelic experiences. Whether you’re interested in growing your own mushrooms or seeking to enhance your understanding of preparation and integration, we’ve got you covered with the following resources:

  • Psilocybin Mushroom Grow Guide – $29.95
    A comprehensive guide for cultivating psilocybin mushrooms at home, including cultivation methods, equipment lists, the mushroom life cycle, and contamination avoidance.
  • Psychedelic Therapy Preparation Handbook – $29.95
    Your valuable companion for preparing for a psychedelic experience. It offers practical tools, thought-provoking questions, journal prompts, guided meditations, and somatic experiencing techniques.
  • Psychedelic Therapy Integration Handbook – $29.95
    Take your insights from a psychedelic journey and integrate them into your daily life with this step-by-step guide. It includes post-journey guidance, practical tools, at-home practices, book recommendations, and ongoing education resources.
  • Psychedelic Therapy Preparation Workshop – $69.95
    Ideal for preparing for a safe and intentional psychedelic journey, this 2-hour video workshop covers the five essential preparation steps, including internal inventory, intention-setting, mind reprogramming, at-home preparation, ceremonial space optimization, and navigating altered states of consciousness.
  • Psychedelic Therapy Integration Workshop – $69.95
    Dive into this 2-hour video workshop designed to maximize the long-term benefits of a single psychedelic journey. Learn about integration essentials, what to expect post-experience, and how to apply guidance for lasting change.

At Psychedelic Passage, our commitment is to provide you with the tools and support you need for a safe, informed, and transformative psychedelic journey, whether you choose to go solo or with a guide. We believe that everyone should have access to these experiences. 

However, it’s important to note that embarking on a solo journey entails certain risks. We do not advise it for the majority of individuals, especially if it is your first time or if you are seeking to address a mental health concern. 

Our formal recommendation is for individuals to have the support of an experienced guide or space holder to ensure safety and minimize harm.

We understand that cost can be a barrier for some individuals looking to embark on psychedelic therapy. It’s important to know that facilitators in our network can offer financial assistance, made possible by the generosity of past clients who’ve chosen to “pay it forward.” 

If cost is a hurdle you’re facing, we want you to be aware of our network’s financial assistance options, which can help make your transformative journey more accessible. Speak with a psychedelic concierge to learn more.

Speak With a Trusted Psychedelic Therapy Provider Today

Hi there! We sincerely hope that you’ve found valuable takeaways that resonate with your current intentions. To explore research-based education, stay updated with psychedelic news, and benefit from practical how-to articles, we encourage you to head over to our resources page.

If you’re seeking personalized advice and are prepared to take the first step toward a therapeutic psychedelic experience, we invite you to book a consultation with our team of experienced psychedelic concierges.

This consultation is more than just a conversation; it’s an opportunity to be matched with a trustworthy local facilitator. You’ll be seamlessly connected to our rigorously vetted network of psychedelic guides, ensuring potential matches align with your needs.

Psychedelic Passage offers confidence and peace of mind by alleviating the burden of having to guess who’s right for you. If you want to discover how Psychedelic Passage can help you, we empower you to learn more about our services and check out client testimonials from those who’ve gone before you.

Your healing path is uniquely yours, and our commitment is to serve you at every juncture. Psychedelic Passage: Your Psychedelic Concierge — The easy, legal way to find trustworthy psilocybin guides, facilitators and psychedelic assisted therapy near you in the United States.

Connect With Psychedelic Passage

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Can I Find a Trusted Psychedelic Guide in Pennsylvania?

Your psychedelic journey is a deeply personal and potentially life-changing experience. By partnering with Psychedelic Passage, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of experienced, compassionate, and ethical facilitators. 

We take the guesswork out of the equation and provide you with the guidance and support you need at every step of your journey. Psychedelic Passage takes into account various factors, including your preferences and needs, to make personalized referrals to 2-3 facilitators that align with your goals. 

Our facilitators have dedicated their lives to this work, and we have stringent vetting protocols that ensure they meet a higher standard than state licensure requirements.

Book a consultation call with us today and unlock the profound potential of your psychedelic experiences in Pennsylvania. Your well-being and transformation are our top priorities.

2. Are There Any Risks Associated With Using Psychedelics?

Psychedelics can be potentially destabilizing and result in mental, emotional or spiritual distress. However, this is often temporary and is a direct result of the psychedelic method of action–they bring about temporary mental and physiological changes that alter your state. This is why professional support is so important. 

That said, there are several factors that greatly increase the risks associated with psychedelic use:

We’ve written two articles that delve into this topic in greater detail:

If you’re unsure whether or not psychedelics would be a good fit for you, we suggest booking a consultation with one of our concierges.

3. How Much Does a Session With a Psychedelic Guide Usually Cost?

You’re probably curious about the expenses tied to hiring a psychedelic guide in Delaware. When contemplating the cost of psychedelic-assisted therapy, it’s crucial to weigh the value it contributes to your overall well-being.

Our ceremonial pricing structure, which ranges from $1.5k to $4k and offers income-related tiers, encompasses not only harm reduction and in-person guidance during your transformative journey but also comprehensive assistance for pre-trip preparation and post-trip integration.

You have the flexibility to choose from a diverse network of facilitators in your locality or opt for them to travel to you, allowing you to select the most suitable environment for your journey.

For those interested in our microdosing program, the price is $850, inclusive of four one-hour coaching sessions, a comprehensive microdosing guide, and ongoing text and email support from your dedicated facilitator.

The investment in your well-being and personal growth is at the heart of our pricing, making the journey towards transformation a valuable and enriching experience.

4. What Should I Expect During My First Session With a Psychedelic Guide?

Starting your journey with a psychedelic guide is an exciting and transformative step towards self-discovery and healing. Whether you’ve chosen to work with a guide through Psychedelic Passage or on your own, understanding what to expect during your first session is essential. Here, we’ll outline the typical components of your first meeting with a psychedelic guide.

Health Screening: Your initial session with a psychedelic guide usually begins with a health screening. This step ensures that you are physically and mentally prepared for your upcoming psychedelic experience.

The guide will ask you about your medical history, current medications, and any pre-existing conditions. This information is vital to ensure your safety and to make any necessary adjustments to your journey.

Discussion of Intentions: One of the fundamental aspects of working with a psychedelic guide is clarifying your intentions. Your guide will engage in a conversation with you to understand the goals you hope to achieve during your psychedelic journey. 

Whether it’s personal growth, healing from past traumas, or exploring your consciousness, discussing your intentions helps your guide tailor the experience to your unique needs.

Getting to Know Your Facilitator: Building trust and rapport with your guide is paramount to a successful journey. Your first session is an opportunity to get to know your guide better and assess if you feel comfortable working with them. 

Open communication and a sense of connection are essential for a positive experience. If, for any reason, you feel that the guide may not be the right fit for you, this is the time to discuss it.

Outlining the Process: Your guide will provide you with an overview of the journey process. They will explain what to expect, including the timeline, the setting, and any specific practices that will be part of the experience. This helps alleviate any anxieties or uncertainties and ensures that you are well-prepared mentally for the journey ahead.

5. Can Psychedelic Therapy Be Used to Treat Specific Mental Health Conditions?

Absolutely, psychedelic therapy has a history of being used to treat various mental health conditions. In fact, it is gaining recognition for its potential in treating depression, PTSD, and addiction, among many other conditions.

Book your consultation call for $49 and we answer all your questions

Let’s take the first step in your psychedelic journey, together.


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